3 Easy Steps To Windows Registry Recovery

To attain its Optimal Performance and to Avoid Common Computer Issues, Registry Cleaner is the main answer to all your PC problems

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3 Easy Steps To Windows Registry Recovery

Are you having a hard time with your “sooo slooow” computer, making more errors than an average human and causing never-ending system failure? 

Don’t worry!

Here are the three easy steps on how to make your computer good as new (performing the way it should be!):

1. Separate a Faulty Registry Being the Problem

What to do first? Let us distinguish first the problems that run in your PC to focus more on how to eliminate it. Run an Anti-Virus Software followed by a Spyware Scan to remove those virus or applications causing troubles in your computer.

If these virus scan and spyware scan does not remove those that harm your computer or even track them, then your windows registry is your problem.

Next step is:

2. Make a Backup on your Windows Registry

Notice: Using a trustworthy registry cleaner like REGCURE will save you a lot of time and effort since it automatically backup your registry.

In most cases, you do not want to lose anything from your computer. Therefore, the safest way to do is to backup everything before you try to do any changes in your Windows Registry. 

Making backups on Windows Registry varies on different version of Windows. Below are links on how backing up works in each version of Windows.

Windows 95 | Windows 98 & ME | Windows 2000, 2003 & XP | Windows Vista

3. Repair all problems with the Windows Registry

CAUTION – Do try to do things, edit or repair, with your windows registry if you know what you are doing or if you are an IT expert. One small change in the registry will create troubles in your computer.

Instead of doing manual disabling of your computer and have the risk of losing your important records, it is highly recommended to use a trusted registry program, like REGCURE.

Fixing your registry will most likely lead you to re-installing your windows depending on what kind of problem your registry have.

You can just do a simple system restore from the date the error was tracked. Otherwise, you can choose from the three alternatives if you do not want to manually do all those reinstalling stuff:

  1. Make use of the default Registry Editor to remove the problem files by yourself
  2. Get an IT professional to fix your registry.
  3. Just use RegCure to do all those steps in minutes and save yourself from wasted time and effort in doing step 1, 2 and 3.

If you are an IT expert, you can just do step one.

Or else – using programs like RegCure is the only alternative that creates fast and easy solution. 

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